

永利app新版本官网地址, 去年,它被美国大学评为培养出最多吉尔曼永利app新版本官网地址的大学.S. 作为该项目20周年纪念活动的一部分, 今年春天迎来了有史以来最大的一批受助人, 有11名学生被认可.


The Benjamin Gilman scholarship provides awards to Pell grant-eligible students who are studying or interning abroad for credit. The state department recognition highlighted 主要研究 as one of the universities with the greatest number of scholarship recipients over the past two decades, 联合国大学跻身中型院校前20名.

今年的获奖者是23岁的NIkaila 杜布, 泰勒·尼达姆,23届, Crismeily Borg, 23岁, 奥利维亚·图尔,23岁, 史蒂文·哈迪,23岁, 特拉维斯·卡邦,24岁, Secilya 威廉姆斯, 23岁, 山姆·霍夫曼,23岁, 特里斯坦·布塞尔,23岁, 艾莉森·马丁和斯凯·弗莱格.

除了是联合国艾滋病规划署在一个周期内看到的最大的受助群体之外, 其中还有五名着眼于未来的学生, planning their study abroad opportunity for next year (for each Gilman application cycle – spring or fall – eligible programs include those in the following three semesters, Jeanne Sokolowski说, 主要研究的主任 国家研究金办公室).

“I’m particularly pleased that 主要研究 students are using the Gilman timeline to plan far in advance of their study abroad, 从而减轻了财政方面的不确定性,索科洛夫斯基说. “提前一年申请意味着这些学生有充足的资金, which is just one less thing to worry about as they work to make studying abroad part of their college experience.”

此外,本周期有7名获奖者是阀杆学生. 索科洛夫斯基指出,申请吉尔曼奖学金的阀杆学生越来越多, 哪些是专门为来自不同背景的学生提供帮助的,包括阀杆, 第一代, 少数民族学生和退伍军人, 她说.

杜布Nikaila. (礼貌)

杜布, a communication major from Sutton, 麻萨诸塞州, will be studying in Italy this fall. 完成了她的专业和发现, 她将学习“意大利特有的东西,比如罗马艺术建筑”, 意大利美食, 中级意大利语和跨文化交际能力.”

“获得吉尔曼奖学金对我来说意义重大, not only for the help in the financial department but also the opportunities it brings me and other students like me,杜布说。, 第一代大学生. “Experiences like being able to study abroad are often overlooked by students like me who think they are out of their reach. I’m excited to show students like me what options they have to obtain experiences like this.”

泰勒Nydam. (礼貌)

Nydam, 汉普顿福尔斯的本地人, 新汉普郡, who will be starting an accelerated master’s studying national security intelligence analysis this fall, 会在比什凯克吗, 吉尔吉斯斯坦, 因为吉尔曼奖学金的缘故, 在伦敦语言文化学院学习俄语.

“I believe the most beneficial aspect of studying abroad in 吉尔吉斯斯坦 will be experiencing and immersing myself in a foreign culture and developing a more worldly perspective,尼达姆说, 她指出,她希望重新定义许多人看待吉尔吉斯斯坦等目的地的方式. “I want to break down the stigmas against certain countries and groups of people and educate people on their misconceptions.”

奥利维亚toole. (礼貌)

Toole, 来自那不勒斯的健康科学专业, 缅因州, 将在布拉格的查尔斯大学学习, 她在纽约大学辅修心理学课程.

“I am very excited to dive headfirst into a city that I have never visited and become fully immersed in the unique culture of the Czech Republic,图尔说. “I also hope to meet other like-minded individuals in my program and create lifelong friendships with other students.”

哈代, 他是梅里麦克大学环境科学生态系专业的学生, 麻萨诸塞州, will be studying in New Zealand in the spring of 2023 and hopes to be accepted into the EcoQuest program, 在全国多个地点进行. 哈代将在这个项目中学习生态学.

“The experience and knowledge gained from a program like EcoQuest is one of a kind,” 哈代 说. “What I am looking forward to most is spending time with the local Māori and experiencing their culture and how they interact and live with the environment.”

secilya威廉姆斯. (礼貌)

威廉姆斯, 主修野生动物和保护生物学,辅修西班牙语和海洋生物学, moved around a lot as part of a military family but will settle with her family in Roscoe, 她父亲今年夏天退休后,她就住在伊利诺伊州.

她将于2023年春季在新西兰学习, 了解独特的生态和生物地理, 还有政策, 国家特有的管理和恢复. The work will take place at seven locations throughout the North and South Islands of New Zealand, 在华井围(基地)设有实地基地, 穷骑士群岛, 利, Opoutere, 尼尔森湖, 凯库拉, 克雷基伯恩和亚瑟山口.

“Receiving this scholarship validates my chosen study abroad program and will not only benfit my education and experience but it will also benefit my host country,威廉姆斯说. “The Gilman scholarship prerequisites have given me a deeper understanding about my program to really think ahead to what I will be studying and how I will make an impact on myself and others in meeting my future goals.”

霍夫曼, 她来自明尼阿波利斯,主修野生动物和保护生物学, 明尼苏达州, 也会参加EcoQuest项目吗, 学习生态学, 生态系统管理和环境政策与规划. 他的工作将包括一个定向研究项目, 尽管他的大部分时间将在北岛度过, 他的团队“将徒步旅行, 在全国各地露营和学习.”

“Receiving the Gilman Scholarship means the world to me; essentially, it is allowing me to fulfill this dream I have had my entire life of studying in New Zealand,霍夫曼说. “I also get to be a part of a really amazing community of people who remain active as Gilman scholars throughout their careers. I plan to take advantage of this opportunity from the minute I get there until the minute that I leave.”

特里斯坦busel. (礼貌)

Busel, 国土安全专业,辅修可持续农业和食品系统, 洛克威的环境园艺和企业安全, 新泽西, will be spending this summer in Ireland and the UK as part of a faculty-led trip across Ireland, 北爱尔兰, Scotland and England that will include interviews with members of the Irish Republican Army and Loyalists as well as tours of Scottish Parliament, 布莱切利公园和丘吉尔作战室.

“吉尔曼奖学金给了我出国留学的机会, 我上大学的终极目标是什么,“Busel, 谁从来没有横渡过大西洋, 说. “我们将访问的个人和地点提供了一个世俗的安全视角, 文化与冲突. 没有得到本组织的考虑和认可, 我就不能参加国土安全海外学习项目了.”

Allison马丁. (礼貌)

马丁, 德古特大学野生动物和保护生物学专业的学生, 麻萨诸塞州, 会在2023年春天在新西兰待15周吗, 了解这个国家的生态, 政策, 环境管理, 可持续发展与文化. 就像其他将在新西兰的人一样, 她将体验北岛和南岛的时光.

“As someone who has never left the country before and with little travel experience due to financial setbacks, 获得吉尔曼奖学金是我开始周游世界的入场券,马丁说. “This award will give me the opportunity to expand my mindset and understanding of a different culture. I am completely ready for this experience to change my life for the better and I could not be at this point without 主要研究 and the Gilman scholarship.”

斯凯flegg. (礼貌)

Flegg, 楠塔基特岛的生物学专业学生, 麻萨诸塞州, 你会在2023年春天去新西兰学习吗, 她将在哪里辅修环境保护和可持续发展.

“我非常兴奋能在这个领域获得实践经验, 因为环境保护是我非常热衷的事情,弗莱格说. “我攻读学位是因为我想帮助保护我们的自然资源. 有机会到新西兰学习,我的梦想终于实现了, 我很感激被选为吉尔曼奖学金的获得者.”

博格是营养学和生态天文学专业的学生,今年夏天将在意大利学习. Carbone, an environmental engineering major, will be studying in Australia during spring of 2023.

有兴趣申请吉尔曼奖学金? 了解更多永利app新版本官网地址这个和其他可用的机会 国家研究金办公室.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@dh865.com | 603-862-4465