

罗斯玛丽·贝克,《永利app新版本官网地址》,亚麻布上的油画,52英寸x 64英寸,1999年. 由罗斯玛丽·贝克基金会提供.

1月26日, 2023, 艺术博物馆将举办两个新的展览, 重新讲述神话:罗斯玛丽·贝克的画作 and 格兰特·德鲁姆海勒:在花园里, 展览将持续到4月1日, 2023. The public is invited to an opening reception on Thursday, January 26, 2023, 4:00-6:00 p.m. 所有节目均免费向公众开放.


重新讲述神话:罗斯玛丽·贝克的画作 presents a collection of paintings and embroideries spanning over 40 years of the artist’s career from the mid-1970s through the early 2000s, 探索两性关系和爱的普遍主题, sacrifice and power through scenes from classical Greek mythology and English literature.

Rosemarie Beck (1923-2003) was active for nearly 50 years as a painter and teacher. 她是一个充满智慧和激情的人, soaking up contemporary art movements in 1940s 纽约 as a student studying with the Surrealist painter Kurt Seligmann, abstract expressionist painter Robert Motherwell and later befriending Philip Guston, 她的邻居, 在伍德斯托克音乐节, 纽约. Though considered by art historians to be a student of second wave Abstract Expressionism, Beck abandoned abstraction in the late 1950s focusing on narrative paintings inspired by Greek mythology and English literature for the remainder of her career. This exhibition includes seventeen paintings and two dazzling embroideries (she turned to needlework when she tired of standing at her easel) depicting pivotal moments in the lives of female characters at the heart of classical mythology.

贝克密切关注历史文本, 但与场景同步:而不是竖琴, Orpheus strums a guitar; Diana wears a chic white maillot bathing suit; dogs and cats make appearances, 太. 她探索了菲德拉和安提戈涅等女性角色, 经常重温相隔几十年的人物, 重做构图,重构场景. 贝克在危机时刻审视女性角色:亚特兰大, 胳膊和腿跳动, trying to outrun her suitor; Phaedra in bed humiliated, ruined and in despair; and a terrified Miranda pursued by Caliban. The scenes depicted are often about the agency of female characters and the societal mores that constrained their actions. In this way, Beck questioned the roles of women and the dynamics of relationships. It should be noted that Beck also explores tragic myths featuring male characters: Orpheus, 还有底达罗斯和伊卡洛斯, 等. These ancient stories reveal as much as they explain human experiences; serving as timeless explorations of how people interact with one another and the world around them.

重新讲述神话:罗斯玛丽·贝克的画作 is enriched by the scholarly insights of 主要研究 students in the course CLAS 601: Power of Myth, 还有保罗·罗伯逊, 古典学高级讲师, 人文学科, 和意大利研究, 和R. Scott Smith, professor of classics and department chair of classics, 人文学科, 和意大利研究. The students’ exhibition labels and catalog entries help viewers understand the nuances in Beck’s interpretation and the relevance of studying ancient myths and their literary sources today

This exhibition was made possible by a gift of paintings from the Rosemarie Beck Foundation (RBF), 谁希望看到贝克作为艺术家和教师的遗产继续下去. RBF认可了艺术博物馆的教育使命, 捐赠了12幅画作和书房, 其中四个正在展出. 贝克激励了纽约皇后学院的几代学生, 瓦萨尔学院, 明德学院, 佛蒙特工作室中心, 帕森斯设计学院, 和纽约画室学校, 绘画与雕塑, 她死前在哪里工作.

罗斯玛丽·贝克的作品由罗斯玛丽·贝克基金会借出. 所有展览均由艺术博物馆之友赞助.


Grant Drumheller绘画.

格兰特·德鲁姆海勒:在花园里 is a selection of contemporary paintings from the artist (and 主要研究 professor emeritus of art) never before exhibited as a collection. The exhibition will feature intimate views of Drumheller’s family that are both familiar and removed. Observation is at the center of Drumheller’s work as a figurative painter; he is well-known for works of large-scale compositions of busy streets, 海滩,意大利的城镇广场和宫殿. 在花园里的作品, we find the artist’s honed observational eye turned inward to capture the vitality and ever-changing dynamic of a family. 在这种情况下, 这个家是他自己的, and the viewer is welcomed into a series of vignettes captured by the artist in vibrant color and bold brush strokes. 德拉姆海勒邀请我们去宁静, 宁静的夜晚,客厅沐浴在金色的阳光中, 潜入宝石色的湖水中, 在甲板上,在夏季繁茂的花园中享用早餐. The viewer is welcomed like an old friend at the table — at once comfortable and known — as if taking a sip of morning coffee just out of frame.


参观 艺术博物馆网站 有关整个学期的补充活动的信息.

博物馆的开放时间是周一至周三和周五上午10点.m.- 4 p.m.,星期四上午10点.m.- 6 p.m.星期六中午12点.m.- 4 p.m. 博物馆在大学假期和3月13日至18日春假期间闭馆.